Article name The Effect of Physical Training and Sports Activities on the Socialization and Professional Self-determination of Athletes
Authors Pruzhinin К.N. Candidate of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Applied Research in Pedagogy
UDK УДК 796 (075)
Article type
Annotation The article examines the role of physical training and sports activities for athletes, who completed their sports careers, in their socialization and professional self-determination. The author considers the use of universal properties and personality traits acquired during sports activities in the real life, motives (motives of choice of sport, profession, attitude to training activities, occupational activities), values (life plans, satisfaction with professional activities), social status and mobility.
Key words socialization, motives of sports activities, professional self-determination
Article information
Full articleThe Effect of Physical Training and Sports Activities on the Socialization and Professional Self-determination of Athletes