Article name The Study of Peculiar Factors in Psychological Adaptation of Youthful Population Living on the Ecologically Unfriendly Territory
Authors Mysnikova E.A. graduate student,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Psychology - Practice
UDK УДК 159.922.2
Article type
Annotation The article describes the necessity of environmental and psychological study of psychological adaptation of the youthful population living in ecologically unfriendly places. The article introduces empirical data of the psychic adaptation level as a result of the pilot study carried out in the Regional Psychic Research Laboratory of the Transbaikalian State Humanitarian Pedagogical University.
Key words ecologically unfavorable situation, pathogenic environmental factors, deformation of living environment, ecological psychology, system approach, psychological adaptation, psyche level of psychological adaptation, youth.
Article information
Full articleThe Study of Peculiar Factors in Psychological Adaptation of Youthful Population Living on the Ecologically Unfriendly Territory