Article name Game as an Interactive Educational Technology in Profession-Oriented Subjects’ Teaching in the Training Program “Journalism”
Authors Erofeeva I.V. Doctor of Philology, associate professor,
Safronova O. . Candidate of Philosophy,,
Bibliographic description Erofeeva I. V., Safronova O. V. Game as an Interactive Educational Technology in Profession-Oriented Subjects’ Teaching in the Training Program “Journalism” // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 2. PP. 132–142. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-2-132-142.
UDK 378.147
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-2-132-142
Article type
Annotation The article presents the problem of using the game in the system of interactive training in the field of “Journalism”. The historical context of the game phenomenon actualization in philosophy, culturology and pedagogy is offered. The topicality of the game’s realizations in the educational process is emphasized. Being an inter-disciplinary method, having humanitarian and role character, social-communication and axiological content, a game is most adequate to the requirements and essence of the journalistic profession. The proposed variants of game methods are based on the psychology of human relations, which are extremely important for work in the sphere of mass media. On the basis of their own pedagogical practice on the use of different types of games in the educational process, the authors conclude that game approaches in the future journalists’ training intensify educational activity, contribute not only to the better mastering of the necessary material, but also to the formation of skills and abilities which are important for professional activity. Introduction of a game into the educational process of future journalists is viewed as game modeling. The space of the realizable game represents the ways of constructing reality in journalism. It is a kind of Gestalt (holistic image), accumulating rationality and feelings, cognitions and actions, details and general. According to the authors, the closed space of a game should be conceptually verified, in terms of technology and axiological approach projected in the specifics of modern media.
Key words game method, interactive learning, training program “Journalism”, game axiology, game modeling
Article information
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Full articleGame as an Interactive Educational Technology in Profession-Oriented Subjects’ Teaching in the Training Program “Journalism”