Article name Main Aspects of Reviewing the Teaching Profession
Authors Vvedensky V.N. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Theoretical Studies
UDK 331.543
Article type
Annotation On the basis of the system approach the article examines the activity, institution and personality aspects of the teaching profession that allows describing the factors that determine the very essence of the teaching profession. The article offers a teacher’s personality typology, built on the basis of various attributes of the system, as well as the stages of the teacher’s professional growth and development. It justifies the following characteristics of the teaching profession: artificiality, manageability, complexity, activity, instability, stochasticity. It offers and characterizes the following regularities of the teaching profession functioning: integrity, communicativeness, hierarchy, equifinality, needed diversity, historicity, the synergies. It concludes that it’s necessary to consider the teaching profession not only as a result or a process, but also as a social institution.
Key words teaching profession, teacher’s personality typology, professional growth, social institution.
Article information
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