Article name Information Society as a Factor of Changing the Requirements to Future Specialists’ Training
Authors Gudkova T.A. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Theoretical Studies
UDK Ч231
Article type
Annotation The article examines the development tendencies of the information society, presents the characteristics of the information-technology paradigm, analyzes the model of the information society development from the synergetic approach and information society concepts. It reviews the genesis of the information society terminology system (“information”, “computerization”, “computerization of the education system”, etc.), shows the influence of information technologies on cultural and social spheres, as well as on the psychology of personality, and reveals the range of questions, patterns, and differences in the formation of the Russian-speaking sector of the Internet. Based on the foregoing, the paper formulates the requirements for training specialists in general and specialists in the field of education who are capable of developing successfully throughout the course of their professional activities.
Key words information and technology paradigm, information society, model of information society development, information, informatization, information technologies, education informatization, requirements to training future specialists in the educational sphere.
Article information
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Full articleInformation Society as a Factor of Changing the Requirements to Future Specialists’ Training