Article name Systematic Approach to the Development of Communicative Stress Resistance in the Process of Improving Teachers’ Qualifications
Authors Erdyneeva K.G. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, eridan58@mail.r
Sviridenko E.I. ,
Bibliographic description
Section Applied Research
UDK 37.018.46
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the problem of the teachers’ resistance to communicative stress, presents a model of developing resistance to communicative stress from the standpoint of the systematic analysis and describes the situation with the teaching staff in the region. It notes that the modernization of school education in the region does not solve the problem of teachers’ professional and personal development. The article describes the features of modernizing professional development. Communicative stress is a factor that accompanies the teaching career. The study shows that communicative stressors have a maximum impact on the levels of teachers’ stress resistance. The paper highlights the effects of gender and age asymmetry on teachers and the essence of the systematic approach to the development of the teachers’ resistance to communicative stress. The joint reflective analysis of the educational space is presented as a resource of civilized development and a mechanism of developing teachers’ resistance to communicative stress.
Key words systematic approach, school education modernization, formation, resistance, communicative stress, teacher, professional development.
Article information
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Full articleSystematic Approach to the Development of Communicative Stress Resistance in the Process of Improving Teachers’ Qualifications