Article name Population Learning Potential of the Child Population in the Region of Ecological Trouble
Authors Saraeva N.M. Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Applied Research
UDK 37.03
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the problem which is especially relevant in the conditions of the global environmental crisis. It is the threat of reducing the learning potential of the children who were born and are living in “polluted” areas. This issue is analyzed on the basis of the ecopsychological methodological approach to the development of the psyche. The concept of “learning” is used in the narrow sense of the word, as a set of man’s intellectual properties, on which the productivity of learning activity depends if all the other necessary conditions are equally present. The aim is to detect the trends in the overall reduction in the level of mental activity of the child population in ecologically unfavorable conditions in the population learning potential. The empirical study reveals that there are more children with low levels of all types of intelligence (according to D. Wechler) in “polluted” areas than in “clean” areas, which suggests a certain weakening of the learning potential of the child population living in ecologically unfavorable territories.
Key words environmentally unfavorable living environment, child population, learning potential, level of intelligence development.
Article information
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Full articlePopulation Learning Potential of the Child Population in the Region of Ecological Trouble