Article name Technologies of Studying the Baccalaureate Discipline “Emergency Medicine”
Authors Stasyuk O.N. graduate student,
Kalashnikova, L.Y. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Avseenko N.D. Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Practical Pedagogy
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The paper presents the basic technologies of studying the baccalaureate discipline “Emergency medicine”. The discipline “Emergency medicine” studies the organization and provision of medical care in emergency situations. It studies the objectives, structure, modes of emergency medicine, emergency conditions, medical care and its types. One of the most common damaging agents on human health is the deficit of oxygen. The substance of the brain is known to be the most sensitive system to this damaging agent. The experiments on rats study the substances that protect the brain functions in case of hypoxia (nootropic agents such as pyracetam, sodium hydroxybutyrate, and others).
Key words normobaric hypoxia, behavioral responses, rats, pyracetam, sodium hydroxybutyrate, system of knowledge elements, competence, life safety.
Article information
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Full articleTechnologies of Studying the Baccalaureate Discipline “Emergency Medicine”