Article name Features of Man’s Psychological Adaptation in Imprisonment Conditions
Authors Gvozdev V.A. graduate student,
Bibliographic description
Section General Psychology
UDK 159.923
Article type
Annotation The article deals with multilevel indicators of offenders’ psychological adaptation in the conditions of imprisonment. The conditions of imprisonment are inadequate to human nature. There is a need to study man’s psychological adaptation to these complicated conditions of living. The condition of imprisonment as a component of offenders’ living environment is not only a destructive factor but a resource that mobilizes man’s physical and mental strength. The study is based on the systematicity principle. Psychological adaptation is considered as a systemic feature of the system “man – living environment” and consists of psycho-physiological, mental and socio-psychological levels. The study presents the results of preliminary research and emphasizes the decrease of adaptation rates on the mental level (emotional disorders). The rates of adaptation at the socio-psychological level reach normative values due to social compensation.
Key words living environment, imprisonment, psychological adaptation, systematicity principle, adaptation structure, adaptation levels.
Article information
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