Article name Methods of Teaching Critical Listening Comprehension of the Detailed Response of Linguistic Character at the Russian Language Lessons
Authors Trofimova O.V. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description
UDK 373
Article type
Annotation The content of teaching critical listening comprehension to students made by the author within the competence and activity approaches includes knowledge and skills related to both critical speech (text) understanding and interpretation of one’s own auditory activity. The methods described in the article consist of two stages corresponding to the stages of the education content. It will enable a teacher to achieve certain results. Students will know what critical thinking is as a special kind of auditory activity and will recognize the necessity and importance of the ability to listen critically. Students will know the structure of the monologue response, its evaluation criteria, and the stages of critical listening. They will also learn to evaluate an oral detailed response devoted to a linguistic issue as well as analyze and evaluate their own auditory activity.
Key words speech activity, types of speech activity, critical listening comprehension, an oral detailed response on the linguistic subject, competence approach, activity approach.
Article information
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