Article name Organization of the Independent Work for the Students Trained for Teaching Physics at School
Authors Vaganova V.I. Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Mathematics and Physics
UDK 378.14
Article type
Annotation Organization of the students’ independent work is viewed as one of the conditions necessary to develop their professionally oriented activity and to enlarge their theoretical background while installing a new edition of the Federal State Education Standards (FSES). The article reveals the notion ‘independent work’, the factors that influence the organization of the students’ independent work at a higher education institution, the principles that determine this work. The author shares the experience of using a guide book in students’ independent work (SIW) in the studies of Teaching Methods and Techniques. The structure of the guide book is presented, and certain methods of organizing SIW are analyzed. The focus is made on the fact that using the activity approach to organize SIW makes it necessary to point out a motivation element in its structure, to set up a definite task, to choose the way of the activity performance, to determine an executive element and that of the control. Independent work should be done by students as their cognitive activity, should become a means to develop such personal qualities as being independent, active, initiative, creative in percepting the information.
Key words independent work; in-class, out-of-class SIW, the factors defining the SIW organization, the program of independent activity, informative training tasks, the causality concept, plans of the generalized character.
Article information
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Full articleOrganization of the Independent Work for the Students Trained for Teaching Physics at School