Article name Peculiarities of Conception and Media-Text Development of the Regional TV Channel Site
Authors Lobodenko L.K. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 070:454.17
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the peculiarities of development of regional web-based media sites. The author reveals the key criteria for evaluation of a web-based media site: the content, visual design, organizational decisions, friendly interface and usability, interactivity. The identified criteria and analysis of mainstream regional media allow the author to develop the conception of web-based media. Furthermore, the author believes that on the one hand the strategy of the regional webbased medium performance is based upon current conceptions of traditional mass media; on the other hand it develops in accordance with specific features of up-to-date network information-communication technologies. While conducting the research of regional web-based media it has been discovered that their content is focused on the conception of the modern periodical (a newspaper or a magazine) which incorporates such component models as that of a conceptual, design and organizational ones. The author emphasizes that web-based media acquire such properties as interactivity, hyper-textuality, and multi-medianess which make it possible to realize the further conception development and integrate such component models as communication and service ones. Media text is the basis for the formation of the concept of online media. The regional web-based medium of Chelyabinsk region (the site of the media holding company \"ОТВ\" – is used as a basis for research.
Key words journalism, regional web-based media, web-based media conception, media- text, media content.
Article information
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Full articlePeculiarities of Conception and Media-Text Development of the Regional TV Channel Site