Article name Basic Principles of Spelling Rules Teaching in Secondary School
Authors Larionova L.G. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methodology of Teaching Languages
UDK 372.881.161.1
Article type
Annotation The article is dedicated to the problem of theoretical understanding of spelling rule in orthography teaching process. The author emphasizes that deep understanding of “the spelling rule” as a notion will help to determine the guidelines of work at the lessons of Russian in comprehensive secondary school. It is emphasized in the article that the spelling rule contains definite scientific (linguistic) information of spelling peculiarities in the Russian language. This information is an essence of gradual verbal and cogitative actions for choosing the right spelling. Such an approach suggests that the spelling rule is a definite sort of scientific style text, specifically scientific and educational text. In author’s opinion, the spelling rule is a large (in comparison with an orthogram) orthographical unit, it is a reflection of a definite norm of written code language and scientific and educational text as well. This text contains definite linguistic information that is necessary for formation of literate writing in conversation practice. The author specifies the system and orthographical, normative and communicative principles while working with the spelling rule. The author defines the main task of modern school, which is to train strong skills of norm literate speech to younger generation, to teach speaking and writing literary standards.
Key words spelling rule, scientific and educational text, message comprehension, language norm.
Article information
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Full articleBasic Principles of Spelling Rules Teaching in Secondary School