Article name The Effect of Thermomagnetic Treatment Conditions on Magnetic Hysteresis Properties of Fe-Cr-Co Hard Magnetic Powder Alloys with 12 and 16 wt. % Cobalt
Authors Vompe T.A. Postgraduate Student, Researcher,
Ustyukhin A.S. Research Engineer,
Milyaeiv I. . Doctor of Engineering Science, Leading Researcher,
Zelenskiy V.A. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Leading Researcher,,
Bibliographic description Vompe T.A., Ustyukhin A. S., Milyaev I. M., Zelensky V. A. The Effect of Thermomagnetic Treatment Conditions on Magnetic Hysteresis Properties of Fe-Cr-Co Hard Magnetic Powder Alloys with 12 and 16 wt. % cobalt Scholarly Notes Of Transbaikal State University. Series Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Technology. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 77-84. DOI:10.21209/2308-8761-2016-11-4-77-84.
UDK 621.762+669.1
DOI 10.21209/2308-8761-2016-11-4-77-84
Article type
Annotation In the present work, hard magnetic Fe-Cr-Co alloys containing 12 and 16 wt. % cobalt were obtained by powder metallurgy method. Molybdenum and silicon were used as alloying additives. Vacuum sintering of this alloys allows us to obtain specimens with relative density 96.5—98.5 %. Comparison of magnetic hysteresis properties of Fe-26 % Cr-16 % Co-2 % Mo- 0,5 % Si and Fe-26 % Cr-12 % Co-3 % Mo-0,5 % Si alloys indicated that alloy with 16 wt. % cobalt content usually has a higher coercivity, while alloy with 12 wt. % cobalt content has a higher residual induction. It was found that magnetic hysteresis properties depend on treatment start temperature and cooling rate in a magnetic field. It is possible under certain settings of thermal treatment to obtain an alloy containing 12 wt. % cobalt magnetic hysteresis properties comparable to standards for alloys with 15-16 wt. cobalt. Using alloys with low cobalt content will reduce the economic cost production of permanent magnets and rotors for hysteresis motors.
Key words magnetic properties, hard magnetic alloys, coercive force, residual induction, heat treatment
Article information
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Full articleThe Effect of Thermomagnetic Treatment Conditions on Magnetic Hysteresis Properties of Fe-Cr-Co Hard Magnetic Powder Alloys with 12 and 16 wt. % Cobalt