Article name To the Question of Studying Self-Efficacy as a Resource of Personality Qualities of Students of Humanitarian Profile
Authors Lebedinskaya S.V. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Lebedinskaya S. V. To the Question of Studying Self-Efficacy as a Resource of Personality Qualities of Students of Humanitarian Profile // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, № 2. PP. 60–65.
UDK 159.923.5
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the problem of self-efficacy of the individual, the relevance of the development of this personal quality in students in the educational process of higher education. Theoretical approaches to understanding the term “self-efficacy”, its correlation with related concepts concerning psychological confidence and personal potential are analyzed. The relevance of the topic of research in the context of the search for educational technologies that contribute to the formation of a person as an active subject of his life activity, capable of adequately assessing his capabilities, abilities and resources, achieving the maximum acceptable results for himself in various fields of activity is indicated. In the article, the concept of “self-efficacy” is viewed as an integrative personal characteristic that has a multitude of manifestations, including belief in one’s own strengths, conviction about one’s own effectiveness, ability to transform past experience, ability to cope with difficulties emerged. The main methodology of the study is the principles of systemic anthropological psychology, within which a person is understood as an open system and principles of the theory of transcommunication which postulate the need to build a multidimensional communicative educational process that actualizes the students’ personal resources. The author gives the results of a pilot study of the self-efficacy of students in the humanities. The peculiarities of students’ self-efficacy in terms of the parameter of assessing the overall index of self-efficacy in their lives and the perception of their effectiveness in the context of substantive and communicative activity are described. The presented analysis of the research results allows us to talk about the need for self-efficacy in students in the process of studying at a university, which in the future will make an important condition for personal and professional self-realization. The article describes the methods of developing self-efficacy, argues the need for a specially organized psychological work on the development of self-efficacy in the educational process. The most promising in this context are training technologies and modern coaching technologies, which allow us to build goals, to realize and actualize the necessary resources for their achievement.
Key words self-efficacy personality, development potential, personal resources, professional training
Article information
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Full articleTo the Question of Studying Self-Efficacy as a Resource of Personality Qualities of Students of Humanitarian Profile