Article name Student Family: A Modern Portrait, Characteristics of the Main Problems and Ways to Solve Them
Authors Lotova I.P. Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Bibliographic description Lotova I. P. Student Family: A Modern Portrait, Characteristics of the Main Problems and Ways to Solve Them // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Social Sciences Series. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 129–134.
UDK 316.6
Article type
Annotation The article presents the results of a study of a contemporary portrait of a student family. It characterizes the motivation and value constituents of student marriage; young people’s ideas about marital relations and their mastering of family roles; emotional conditions of married couples. The article describes the factors affecting the success of student marriage and gives an essential characteristic of the difficulties (housing, material, psychological, etc.) faced by the student family. Among the problems that are the most frequent reasons for appealing to psychological counseling, the students named: conflicts related to differences in views on family life and the distribution of spousal roles and responsibilities, including in matters of child upbringing; conflicts caused by difficulties in interpersonal relationships and mutual relations of spouses with students’ parents, as well as inability to resolve internal family conflicts. The article distinguishes the well-being indicators of the student family and suggests the measures to support student families at the state (federal, regional) levels and at the level of a higher educational institution. In particular, the article describes the measures of socio-pedagogical and psychological support of the student family: creation of university and interuniversity complexes for student families, including a complete set of social and every day services, as well as children’s rooms; organization of family clubs within the framework of student self-government and establishment of the optimal mode of work of educational institutions for student mothers – studies on an individual schedule with free attendance of classes, consultations on different subjects, passing exams and tests during the whole semester at a convenient time for them, etc.
Key words student family, social institution, family values, marital relations, socio-pedagogical and psychological support
Article information
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Full articleStudent Family: A Modern Portrait, Characteristics of the Main Problems and Ways to Solve Them