Article name Future-Oriented Model of Supplementary Education for Preschool Children: Implementation Experience
Authors Yafizova R.I. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,,
Nichiporenko L.K. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Atarova A.N. Assistant Lecturer,
Novikov M.S. Assistant Lecturer,
Bibliographic description Yafizova R. I., Nichiporenko L. K., Atarova A. N., Novikov M. S. Future-Oriented Model of Supplementary Education for Preschool Children: Implementation Experience // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 3. PP. 68–79. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-3-68-79.
UDK 373.2
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-3-68-79
Article type
Annotation The article gives a detailed analysis of designing the Model of supplementary education for preschool children considering contemporary trends of preschool education, social control and infant development. In course of designing and developing of the Model of the supplementary education for preschool children the theoretic foundations of non-formal education for children and the history of development of supplementary education system for children and teenagers were studied. Attempts are made to analyze the peculiarities of supplementary education institutes. Local and foreign experience of informal education, problems and prospects of supplementary edu- cation are noted. The result of the research was the design, development and approbation of the Model of the supplementary education for preschool children, which are interrelated components of the organization of additional education and their phased implementation. The developed Model presents the results of research on various aspects of the organization of supplementary education for preschool children: the study of the consumer market and the conditions for recruiting staff; the development of educational programs for additional education, the study and creation of a regulatory framework, the design of an advertising company, etc. Integration of these directions has allowed to create an integrated Model of the organization of additional educational services for preschool children, the special value of which lies in the fact that its implementation ensures immersion in the integrative environment of the modern education system.
Key words supplementary education for children, the model of supplementary education, programs for supplementary education, monitoring of demand, advertisement and marketing, quality control
Article information
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Full articleFuture-Oriented Model of Supplementary Education for Preschool Children: Implementation Experience