The Editorial Board accepts manuscripts which haven’t been previously published. Manuscripts prepared in Russian or in English should not exceed 40,000 characters with spaces. The priority genres of the journal are the following:
Genre | Minimum length |
research article (theoretical or empirical articles that contain the main results obtained by the author) | 0.5 printer’s sheet (20,000 characters) |
scientific reports and papers | 0.3 printer’s sheet (12,000 characters) |
reviews | 0.2 printer’s sheet (8,000 characters) |
Authors should enclose the following documents in the package:
1. Electronic copy of the article. The name of the file should contain the author’s name and the title of the article.
2. Data processing and publishing agreement.
3. Research adviser’s reference letter that indicates the novelty and the validity of the author’s study (for postgraduate students).
4. Information about the author.
Branch of science (journal section).
Initials, author’s surname (in Russian and English). The number of co-authors should not exceed 5 persons. If there is more than one author, the name of the main author should be given first. There should be information on the author’s contribution in Russian and English (one sentence long).
City, country (in Russian and English).
Affiliation (place of work) in Russian and English.
Mail address.
Sources of financing (if there are any) in Russian and English.
Title of the paper in Russian (lowcase letters only) and English (in title capitalization the first and last words and all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, verbs, and subordinate conjunctions (if, because, as, that, etc.) are capitalized).
Abstract (150 to 200 words) in Russian and English. The abstract should reflect the main outcomes of research but should not contain any references.
Keywords or word combinations (5-7) separated by a comma (in Russian and English).
The body text of the paper should include the parts: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.
The paper should include in-text references to the works cited. References are given in square brackets, indicating the source number and the page number, e.g. [1, p. 25]. Several sources are separated by a semicolon [1; 3; 4].
References are arranged in alphabetical order and should include no less than 10 sources. References in foreign languages should follow references in Russian.
Within the body text, the author’s comments and explanations are given as endnotes marked by Arabic numbers.
Social and political essays, archives, reference, dictionary and legislative materials are mentioned after “References” in the section “Sources”, they are continuously numbered or are given in the text of the paper as footnotes (in the bottom of the page). A footnote marker is the Arab figure, per page numbering. The list of references is made out according to state standard specification (GOST) P. 7.0.5 – 2008. For each source the publishing house, total of pages are surely specified.
Languages of publications: Russian and English
General requirements: Margins of the A4-size page (book orientation) should be: top and bottom –2 cm, left and right –2.5 cm. The main text should be Arial 14 pt with 1.5 spacing. First line indent – 1.25. The text should not include automatic hyphenation; it should be centered on the width.
If using additional fonts, consult the editor.
The last page of the manuscript should contain the note “The article is published for the first time”, the date and the author’s signature.
Words, figures, formulas, measurements
Units of measurement are repulsed from characters and numbers to which they relate.
A clear distinction should be made about o (letter) and 0 (zero), 1 (one) and I (Roman unit or the letter “I”), a hyphen (-) and a dash (–).
Don’t use letter “е” instead of “ё”.
All tables must be created in Word, be titled and marked with Arabic numbers (e.g. Table 1). Within the body of the text, references to tables should be abbreviated (e.g. tab. 1). The content of the table should not duplicate the text. The words in the tables should be written in full with correct hyphenation. The table cell should not include a dot at the end of the sentence.
Black-and-white drawings (graphs, diagrams – Excel format, charts, maps, photos) should have Arabic numbers, the word “figure” should be always abbreviated (e.g. fig. 1). Illustrations are submitted in jpg format (with a minimum 300 dpi resolution or higher) as separate files, indicating their number, author’s name/authors’ names and the title of the article. Image size 170×240 mm. When reducing, all details of the image should be distinguished. All captions should be attached as a separate list to the article. Figures must not exceed 1/4 length of the text.
Papers that do not meet the above mentioned requirements will not be accepted.The authors are fully responsible for the accuracy of quotations and references.
The editors do not provide the authors with a printed copy of the journal. After publication, the electronic version of the journal is sent to the authors by e-mail.
The complete package should be sent to the following address:
129 Babushkina st., Chita, 672007, Russia
Transbaikal State University, The Editorial Board (Room 126)
Electronic submissions should be sent to Executive Secretary
Irina VladimirovnaPetrova
Tel. +7(3022) 35-24-79