Nevskaya Svetlana Sergeevna

nevskayaDoctor of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.01. “General Pedagogy, History of Education Pedagogy” (2006), Associate Professor (1992), Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of the History of Pedagogy and Education of the Federal State Scientific Institution “Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education, Russian Academy of Education”.

Member of the Board of the Russian Makarenko Association, member of the Board of the International Association A.S. Makarenko, Chairman of the section “A.S. Makarenko and Difficult Teenagers ”of the Russian Pedagogical Society.


Graduated from the philological faculty of the Kolomna State Pedagogical Institute (1971).

In 1987 she completed a one-year postgraduate study at the Research Institute of General Problems of Education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

In 1988 she defended her Ph.D. thesis.

In 2006 she defended her doctoral dissertation.

Sphere of scientific interests: Purposefully researches topical problems of the history of national education, the laws of education, issues of labor, legal and civil education of the individual.

In publications, he reveals the psychological and legal foundations of civic education, explores the problem of psychological time and space of the personality, personality self-awareness, pedagogical skills, morality, ethics, morality.

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