Nesgovorova Natalia Pavlovna

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Geography, Fundamental Ecology and Environmental Management of Kurgan State University (Kurgan, Russia).

Education. Graduated from the Kurgan State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Biology and Chemistry. Later, she mastered the program of specialty “Ecology”.

The topic of the doctoral dissertation is “Ecological and pedagogical design as the basis for preparing students for professional activity” (2013).

Research interests: soil ecology, assessment of ecosystem sustainability, modeling of natural and educational systems, organization of research work, ecological and pedagogical design.

Scientific activity:

Head of the Association of Educational Ecologists of the Region.

The number of publications – 220, including 9 monographs, 40 articles in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, 6 articles in the international Web of Science database, 3 articles in the international Scopus database, more than 40 educational and teaching aids.

List of publications

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