Article name Inversions of Blood Serum Biochemical Indicators as the Factor Determine the Adolescent’s Morbidity Rate Changes of Khabarovsk Krai Technogenic Environmental pollution
Authors Bilibina Z.Y. postgraduate,
Tselykh E.D. Doctor of Science (Biology), professor, ,
Yevseeva G.P. Doctor of Science (Medicine), chief research assistant,
Kozlov M.A. graduate student,
Tsukanov A.E. ,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK УДК 612+ 502:616(255)
Article type
Annotation The growth of ecologically determined disorders among Khabarovsk Krai adolescents is dependent both upon the changes in different systems and organs and the retardation of mental and physical development was detected. During bio-ecological and clinical laboratory investigation of the adolescents of both genders (n=183) from Amursk and Khabarovsk Krai considerable dysfunctional and disadaptive changes in metabolic processes (albuminous, carbohydrate, lipidic) have been found out. The reliable correlation of blood serum biochemical characteristics inversion, adequate to albuminous, lipid (fat) and carbohydrate exchanges and adolescents’ morbidity has been defined.
Key words adolescents, blood serum metabolite content, dysfunctional / disadaptive indicators.
Article information
Full articleInversions of Blood Serum Biochemical Indicators as the Factor Determine the Adolescent’s Morbidity Rate Changes of Khabarovsk Krai Technogenic Environmental pollution