Article name The Role of Experimental Lactat-aAcidosis in the Development of DIC-Syndrome and Disorders of Structural Organization of Myocardium
Authors Zaborina L.G. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,
Alfonsova Y.V. Candidate of Science (Medicine),
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK УДК 616.15
Article type
Annotation The article containts data on the regularities of the development of DIC-syndrome and also disorders of structural organization of myocardium. Metabolic acidosis, caused in the experiment on 42 animals (cats) by intravenous injection 3 % a lactate acid in up to a pH level 7,2–6,5 and duration up to 15–180 min. Acidosis causes the development of DICsyndrome. According to the data of electronic microscopy characteristics mitochondrial dysfunction is revealed. At the pH 7,1 and the duration of more than 60–100 minutes the discovered changes in cardiac hystiocytes should be interpreted as “irreversible”, “focal injuries” of myocardium. The pH-displacement to 7,0 leads to the dystrophy and necrobiosis of cardiac hystiocytes. Further the pH-displacement to 6,9 leads to the development of acute myocardial infarction in the phase of necrosis.
Key words acidosis, lactate, DIC-syndrome, morphology, myocardium.
Article information
Full articleThe Role of Experimental Lactat-aAcidosis in the Development of DIC-Syndrome and Disorders of Structural Organization of Myocardium