Article name Adaptation Сharacteristics of Рrevernal Еarly-Вlooming Рlants of Еastern Zabaikalye
Authors Popova O.A. Doctor of Science (Biology), professor of the department biology and methods of teaching biology,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK УДК 581.522.4+581.543
Article type
Annotation Fifty-five species of plants blooming in prevernal period which begins on April 25 and finishes on May 10 were revealed for Eastern Zabaikalye. Early- blooming plants show high ability to biological adaptation that is necessary for their regular development under exposure to both extremely low and high temperatures of prevernal period. Biomorphological adaptations of early-blooming plants are the complex part of their adaptation to the living conditions.
Key words early-blooming plants, adaptations of plants, Eastern Zabaikalye.
Article information
Full articleAdaptation Сharacteristics of Рrevernal Еarly-Вlooming Рlants of Еastern Zabaikalye