Article name The Influence of Different Doses of Soya on the Secretory Function of Chicken Pancreas
Authors Tesarivskay physiology and valueology, Zabaikalsky State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky (), e-mail: T.B. postgraduate student of cfair anatomic? physiology and valueology,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
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Article type
Annotation The results of the experiments performed on chickens with a chronic fistula of the pancreatic duct using the Ts.Zh. Batoyev, S.Ts. Batoyeva (1970) technique are given in the article. The authors researched the influence of the soya seeds in the amount of 5 % and 10 % of the forage mass. Soya additive to mixed fodder in the amount of 5 % stimulated the secretory function of the pancreas: amylase activity increased by 15,0–19,5 %, proteases by 70,6 % in comparison with the background period. At soya addition the amount of 10 % of the forage mass amylase activity increased 1,3–1,5 times, and proteolytic activity increased 1,2–1,5 times.
Key words soya, secretory function of the pancreatic gland, pancreatic ferments
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Full articleThe Influence of Different Doses of Soya on the Secretory Function of Chicken Pancreas