Article name Physical and Chemical Indexes of Nitrogen Thermal Springs of River Kyra Basin (South-Eastern Zabaikalye)
Authors Zamana L.V. Candidate of Science (Geology and Mineralogy), senior research assistant, head of the laboratory,,
Askarov S.A. leading engineer,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Reports
UDK УДК 550.42(571.54)
Article type
Annotation Chemical composition of the investigated Uluri (Twenty Springs), Kyra and Bylyra thermal springs is bicarbonate sodium. At time sampling (March 2010) their maximum temperature was 28,2, 43,5 and 44,4 °C respectively, the highest ion amounts were 263, 247 and 213 mg/l. The springs are characterized by high concentrations of H4SiO4 (127–166 mg/l) and F (9,5–13,8 mg/l). Water of all springs is alkaline (pH 9,12–0,0), low radon (6,5–10,9 nC/l) and that of Uluri and Kyra is low hydrogen sulfide (0,8-1,0 mg/l). The Bylyra hydropathical establishment is closed; Uluri spring is widely used for nonmedical treatment.
Key words nitrogen thermal springs, chemical composition, silicon acid, fluorine, radon, hydrogen sulfide
Article information
Full articlePhysical and Chemical Indexes of Nitrogen Thermal Springs of River Kyra Basin (South-Eastern Zabaikalye)