Article name Criteria of distinguishing age conditions of Euphorbia karoi Freyn in the Eastern Zabaikalye
Authors Komissarova S.S. postgraduate, Department of Biology and Methods of Teaching Biology,;
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Reports
UDK УДК 582.682.1
Article type
Annotation For the first time morphological signs of age conditions of Euphorbia karoi Freyn in Eastern Zabaikalye were examined; the following periods in ontogenesis: latent, pregenerative, generative and postgenerative were distinguished. It is determined that age conditions differ according to the following signs: the number of vegetative branches on the reproductive suckers, the degree of the development of the composite pleiohasial inflorescence, the degree of the development of the underground part of the plant.
Key words Euphorbia karoi, Eastern Zabaikalye, age conditions.
Article information
Full articleCriteria of distinguishing age conditions of Euphorbia karoi Freyn in the Eastern Zabaikalye