Article name Erodium Genus Species (Geraniaceae) of Russian Far East
Authors Tsyrenova D.Y. Doctor of Science (Biology), associate professor,
Antoshkina A.A. Postgraduate Student,,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Reports
UDK УДК 582.751.2 (571.6)
Article type
Annotation Time and mode of migration, naturalization grade and types of invaded habitats of the two synanthropic species of the Erodium Genus (E. stephanianum и E. cicutarium) discovered in Russian Far Eastern flora are described. New sites of the species habitat are reported.
Key words Geraniaceae, Erodium, synanthropic species, naturalization of the species, Russian Far East.
Article information
Full articleErodium Genus Species (Geraniaceae) of Russian Far East