Article name The Principles of Construction the Old Mongolian Texts
Authors Badmayeva () L.B. Сandidate of Philology, associate professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
Article type
Annotation The paper is devoted to the study of the principles of construction the Old Mongolian texts. The using of long syntactic constructions exceeding the length of the complex sentence is a characteristic feature of these texts. A new term to denote such construction, namely, a compound syntactic complex, was proposed by the author. The compound syntactic complex (CSC) is polypredicative construction with dependent predicative units and monofinite mechanism of construction. As a means of cohesion of the parts of CSC the category of prityazhaniya is used.
Key words the Old Mongolian text, buryat chronicles, a superphrase unity (SPU), a compound syntactic complex (CSC), polypredicative constructions, the category of prityazhaniya.
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Full articleThe Principles of Construction the Old Mongolian Texts