Article |
Article name |
Concept Soul in the Mirror of the Ornithological Metaphor |
Authors |
Kondratyeva O.N. Candidate of Philology, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Scientific Research |
УДК 801.3(=82) |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article is devoted to the analysis of ornithological metaphor which is used in representation
of inner world in diachronic aspect of the Russian language. The role of mythology
and religion in occurrence of similar metaphors is analyzed, as well as their further
destiny in the Old Russian literature and the literature of new time, their specific character
is stated.
Key words |
cognitive linguistics, concept, conceptualization, ornithological metaphor,
soul, diachrony. |
Article information |
References |
Full article | Concept Soul in the Mirror of the Ornithological Metaphor |