Article name About One Fact of an Author’s Punctuation in V. V. Nabokov’s Novel «Lolita»
Authors Trufanova I.V. Doctor of Philology, professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK УДК [003.086:821.161.1Лолита7Набоков.08](045)
Article type
Annotation V. V. Nabokov uses dash 40 times in his novel «Lolita» at the end of the sentence. According to the rules of the Russian punctuation we have to use dots. The author also uses dots in the novel. The punctuation of the author reflects the important stages of the development of the relations of Gumbrecht and Lolita.
Key words punctuation, dash, dots, Nabokov V.V., «Lolita».
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Full articleAbout One Fact of an Author’s Punctuation in V. V. Nabokov’s Novel «Lolita»