Article name «Image of the Reader» as a Constructive Element of a Language Composition of Modern Russian Prose (Referring to the Subjectivation of Author’s Narration)
Authors Popova G.B. postgraduate student,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Reports
UDK УДК 811. 161. 1 (075,8)
Article type
Annotation The article reflects the image of the reader as a constructive element of a language composition of the modern prose in the frameworks of the subjectivation of the narrations. «The image of the reader» is not a simple subject of the text. It is not materialized in any definite image of the author; however, it is able to express itself through the language connotation of the images of the characters, the narrator and the author, through their personal point of vision.
Key words «the image of the reader», author, character, narrator, subjectivation, principles of subjectivation.
Article information
Full article«Image of the Reader» as a Constructive Element of a Language Composition of Modern Russian Prose (Referring to the Subjectivation of Author’s Narration)