Article name Elements Signs of Russian Concept Cердце and German Concept Herz
Authors Romanenko T. . Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Reports
UDK УДК 808.2
Article type
Annotation In the article figurative signs of Russian concept сердце and German concept Herz are considered as key concepts of Russian and German conceptual pictures of inward person life. In the structure of the investigated concepts elements signs within the limits of inorganic nature signs group are revealed. Concepts сердце and Herz appear in the image of four basic elements of the universe: water, air, ground and fire in examples from literature works of the Russian and German classics. Through the typological elements signs the inward life of a person is described. Russian and German conceptual pictures are characterized by both general and distinctive signs.
Key words conceptual picture of the world, inward life of a person, structure of the concept, figurative signs, elements signs
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Full articleElements Signs of Russian Concept Cердце and German Concept Herz