Article name Model of Quasi-static and Dynamic Deformation of Elastomers
Authors Voronin M.S. Postgraduate student of the Laboratory of High Velocity Processes,
Merzhievsky , () L.A. Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of the Laboratory of High Velocity Processes,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK УДК 539.3
Article type
Annotation We construct a model of dynamic deformation of elastomers, based on Maxwell’s views on the mechanisms of irreversible deformation. The equation of the state for the not spherical strain tensor and the dependence of relaxation time of shear stresses on the parameters characterizing the state of the environment is derived. In the framework of the formulated model some problems of quasi-static and shock-wave deformation of rubber is solved.
Key words dynamic deformation, elastomers, equation of state, the strain tensor, shock- wave processes.
Article information
Full articleModel of Quasi-static and Dynamic Deformation of Elastomers