Article |
Article name |
Transbaikal Students’ Views on Economic Socialization Determinants During the University Professional Training Period |
Authors |
Terekhova T.A. Doctor of Psychology, professor, terehovata@mail.ruEvdokimova A.A. postgraduate student, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Empirical Psychology |
УДК 316.6 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article deals with economic socialization determinants of Transbaikal students in the process of university
professional training. It reveals such features of economic socialization determinants as attitude to wealth
and poverty, choosing future profession motivation, economic behavior. The author analyzes students’ economic
socialization determinants in dynamics, depending on gender and the academic year. The results prove that year
after year students come to realize that only systematic conscientious work can lead to material prosperity in any
sphere not business activity only.
Key words |
economic socialization, determinants of economic socialization, attitude to wealth and poverty,
motives for choosing future profession, economic behavior. |
Article information |
References |
Full article | Transbaikal Students’ Views on Economic Socialization Determinants During the University Professional Training Period |