Article name Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions and Efficiency Indicator of Spatial Competence Development of the Totally Blind Adults During the Rehabilitation Training
Authors Kalashnikova S.A. Candidate of Psychology,,
Pisarenko A.V. Student,
Bibliographic description Kalashnikova S. A., Pisarenko A. V. Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions and Efficiency Indicator of Spatial Competence Development of the Totally Blind Adults During the Rehabilitation Training // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 4. PP. 136–144. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2020- 15-4-136-144.
Section Pedagogical Psychology
UDK 37.013.77: 376.32
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-4-136-144
Article type
Annotation The relevance of the research is determined by the expansion of the problem field of psychological and pedagogical research as a result of popularization of the inclusive education practices, psychological and pedagogical support of education, human training at all stages of its development. The scientific justification and implementation of individualized rehabilitation training programs is considered as a significant problem of pedagogical psychology. Spatial orientation is presented as the basis of a person’s spatial competence, which is of fundamental importance for human interaction with reality. The article describes the experience of developing spatial competence of totally blind adults during the rehabilitation training. Individual differences in the readiness of the blind with different times of occurrence of visual impairment for rehabilitation training are shown. The objectives, content and results of testing a program for developing spatial orientation skills for blind adults to a level sufficient for independent movement are presented. The program involves the development of the capabilities of intact analyzers and instrumental touch with a long cane; development of independence as a personal characteristic; awareness of one’s own significance; stimulation of activity in various areas of life. The effectiveness of the program implementation proposed by the authors for the development of spatial competence of totally blind adults is determined by the following conditions: taking into account the degree of psychological readiness of program participants for this kind of work; availability of information offered for study; gradual supply of training material; combination of practical and speech activities of program participants; implementation of the level principle in solving spatial problems.
Key words training conditions and efficiency indicator,spatial competence, spatial orientation skills, rehabilitation training, totally blind adults
Article information
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Full articlePsychological and Pedagogical Conditions and Efficiency Indicator of Spatial Competence Development of the Totally Blind Adults During the Rehabilitation Training