Annotation |
Studies of a new modification of crystalline ice - ice 0, which can be formed only from
supercooled water, have been performed. To do this, experiments were conducted with various
porous media, artificial and natural, containing water in the pores of nanometer sizes. The
dielectric parameters of the media, as well as some of their electrical properties, were measured.
These include reflection coefficients of the radiation of moistened silicates at a frequency of
12, 4 GHz and absorption in pine branches and needles at a frequency of 5,3 GHz, dielectric
loss tangent of silicate sorbents at frequencies from hundreds of hertz to hundreds of kHz,
intrinsic electrical fluctuations in a frequency band of 1 Hz... 100 Hz and transmitting visible
electromagnetic radiation through samples of transparent dielectrics with a thin layer of ice
on their surface. The temperature range for different experiments reached values from +20 to
-170 °C. An increase in the intensity of absorbed (scattered) radiation at a wavelength of 0, 52 gm
was detected. Near the temperatures -20 ... — 24 °C, sharp changes were found in the parameters
of moistened silicates and pine wood, which can be explained by the formation or destruction of
ferroelectric ice 0. Two possible reasons for this behavior of the parameters during ice formation
0 are stated. This is the appearance of a highly conductive layer at the contact of ferroelectric
ice with another dielectric, as well as the appearance of surface plasmons in this layer. |
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