Article name The Effect of Complex Protein Additive on the Animal Organism
Authors Verkhoturova M.. Assistant teacher of Department of Mathematics,
Shelomentseva O.P. graduate student,
Butenko M.N. graduate student,
Andreeva O.T. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences,
Bibliographic description
Section Human and Animal Physiology
UDK 636
Article type
Annotation This work presents the results of using a complex protein additive (CP������������А�����������) for feeding animals in comparison with a soybean food additive in chronic experiments on hens and in scientific and economic experiments on pigs. Performed according to Ts.Zh. Batoev’s and Ts. S. Batoeva’s method, the chronic experiments reveal a stimulating effect of CPА on the secretory function of the hens’ pancreas. The amount of pancreatic secretion increased by 25 %, compared with the control period. The enzyme activity of amylase increased by 72 % in the amount of juice during the experiment. The protease activity increased up to 84 % and lipase – up to 98 % in the amount of juice during the experiment. The analysis proved the most intensive development of the pigs fed by mixed fodder with CPА. The study included the analysis of the enzymatic activity of pancreatic tissue. The results in the group with an additive (CPА) diet were higher. The total protein level check in the serum of the tested pigs showed that the indices practically didn’t change.
Key words chronic experiment, complex protein additive, pancreas, pancreatic enzymes, enzymatic activity, weight gain of piglets.
Article information
Full articleThe Effect of Complex Protein Additive on the Animal Organism