Article name Socio-demographic Characteristics of the Territorial Organization of the Urban Educational System (on the example of Chita General Secondary Schools)
Authors Ermolenko E. . graduate student,
Bibliographic description
Section Geography
UDK 913 (470+571)
Article type
Annotation Spatial patterns of urban educational system development are shown through the differences between the center and the periphery. The periphery divided into concentration zones, internally heterogeneous, has large differences in socio-demographic characteristics. Each concentration zone has its own number of secondary schools, number of pupils, material and technical equipment, the degree of school utilization and characteristics of the staff. The center takes the leading position in socio-economic and demographic aspects. The center is more attractive for pupils and teachers and it draws them from the periphery. The central location of the zone of secondary schools provides an excellent opportunity for the cooperation of schools with institutions of additional education. And it provides a great opportunity to form well working educational complexes. The second periphery area is connected with the central urban zone. The influence of the center weakens towards the outskirts of the city. The first periphery area experiences the greatest negative impact of the center. The third periphery zone takes the outsider’s position. Many public schools of this zone, focusing around cultural and social life of the district, become socio-cultural centers in remote areas of the city.
Key words social geography, general secondary school, educational system, enrollment, center-periphery, urban educational system.
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Full articleSocio-demographic Characteristics of the Territorial Organization of the Urban Educational System (on the example of Chita General Secondary Schools)