Article |
Article name |
Instruments of Modernization of the Professional Education System in the Territorial Development Strategy of Russia |
Authors |
Tomskikh A.A. Doctor of Geography, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Geography |
911.7 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article deals with territorial characteristics of the development of higher
professional education model in Russia, its problems and prospects on different levels.
The study discusses a territorial analysis of the clusters of professional education through
the programmes of supporting strategic development of the country for a long-term
period. It introduces a perspective model of the hierarchical structure of professional
education in Russia, including federal, federal-regional and regional levels and suggests
the method of calculating the education centres potential according to the rank of higher
schools represented in them. The study shows the calculation of the potential of the
perspective model of the country’s higher professional education within federal districts
and centres of education and presents the sketch-maps of the participation of the centres
of higher professional education of Russia in the state programmes and the potentials of
the scientific educational clusters of Russia. The article touches upon the problem of the
growing territorial inequality in the educational space.
Key words |
higher professional education, model of professional education,
educational space, potential, clusters. |
Article information |
References |
Full article | Instruments of Modernization of the Professional Education System in the Territorial Development Strategy of Russia |