Article name Sources of Russian Military Discourse of the 19th Century: Pragmatic and Stylistic Aspects
Authors Ulanov A.V. Candidate of Philology,
Bibliographic description
Section Russian Philology
UDK 808.2
Article type
Annotation The article addresses Russian military discourse and its realization in the linguistic culture of the 19th century and characterizes genre, pragmatic and stylistic features of the military sublanguage. The empirical basis of research makes it possible to classify the peculiarities of Russian military discourse sources. The conclusions made in the article show that the sources stylistics is organized according to pragmatic features of the documents: the choice of language means depends on the task and the main purpose of the author of the document.
Key words discourse, pragmastylistic peculiarities, diachrony, genre, linguistic source, intention.
Article information
Full articleSources of Russian Military Discourse of the 19th Century: Pragmatic and Stylistic Aspects