Article name Quebec Lexicographical Tradition of the 18th–19th Centuries
Authors Razumova L.V. Candidate of Philology, associate professor,
Bibliographic description
Section World Philology
UDK 811.133.1
Article type
Annotation The paper reviews the development of Quebec lexicography in the 18th–19th centuries analyzing Quebec lexicographic works which are practically unknown to Russian scientists in lexical variation studies. The article offers a general linguistic characteristic of the works, namely description of their volume and structure, analysis of the methods to present word entries, comparison of registered examples of the French language contacts with the languages of the autochthonic American Indian population and with the English language. Special attention is paid to the approaches of various Quebec authors to the description of Quebec word usage of the considered period (prescriptive/ descriptive ideologies). The author of the article characterizes the social context of the discussed lexicographic works. The article outlines scientific reflection formation in the field of language norm in Quebec variant of the French language.
Key words Quebec variant of the French language, unified word usage, normalization language processes, dialecticisms, meaning formation processes, language marginalization, descriptive/ prescriptive approaches in language description.
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Full articleQuebec Lexicographical Tradition of the 18th–19th Centuries