Article name Advertising Text Addressee’s Image from a Perspective of Gricean Maxims (Maxim of Quality)
Authors Baklanova I.I. Candidate of Philology, associate professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Language and Culture
UDK 811.161.1:659.117.3
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the features of implicit information about the expected addressee of advertising texts. This information is closely connected with the conversational maxims of H. P. Grice and in particular with the maxim of Quality. Various types of well-reasoned advertising texts focus on different types of not informed recipients, while advertising texts without argumentation are addressed to targeted recipients seeking for certain goods or services. Reasoning in texts targeted to a consumer not seeking for a specific product is often replaced by the psychological impact on him.
Key words advertisement, addressee’s image, maxim of Quality, implicit information.
Article information
Full articleAdvertising Text Addressee’s Image from a Perspective of Gricean Maxims (Maxim of Quality)