Article name Journalism in Net Media: Changing Research Paradigms or Maintaining Traditions?
Authors Korkonosenko S.G. Doctor of Political Sciences, professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Journalism
UDK 316.77; 070
Article type
Annotation The article deals with research approaches to journalism that is developing in net editions. The author argues that the descriptions of the Internet technological characteristics, which are still given priority attention in literature, lack any scientific novelty, and should be accepted as an obvious reality. The central problem for science is to find out if there are any radical changes of journalism in the Net (and, accordingly, research approaches to it) or if traditional issues of the journalism theory are reproduced on a new material base. The article contains some examples of how “eternal” problems are projected on a technological reality of the modern mediapolis.
Key words net media, mediapolis, journalism theory, scientific paradigm, terminology.
Article information
Full articleJournalism in Net Media: Changing Research Paradigms or Maintaining Traditions?