Article name Professional and Rhetorical Competence of a Teacher of Russian as a Foreign Language: a Discourse Analysis in Terms of Innovations in University Education
Authors Balykhina T.M. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, IASPE academician,
Bibliographic description
Section Professional Education
UDK 482
Article type
Annotation The paper considers basic strategies and tactics for pedagogical interaction and specific features of a linguodidactic discourse in terms of modern requirements to teachers working in higher education and teaching Russian as a language in which foreign students get their education and future qualifications. The author emphasizes that in the process of mastering the Russian language, the dynamics of experience formation is predetermined by general instructions and the ways of influencing a student by the teacher’s personality. At the level of personal interaction, communicants realize the moral component of communication; educational information ceases to be just a scientific fact but acquires some personal and world view attitudes of the teacher, focuses on understanding, content and emotional feedback. The student is open to pedagogical influence since he/she realizes himself/ herself in the group. Communication is a practical activity by means of which students demonstrate their cognitive activity regarding subject knowledge and the participants of the dialogue – the teacher and the pupils.
Key words university teacher’s professional and rhetorical competence, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, linguodidactic discourse.
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Full articleProfessional and Rhetorical Competence of a Teacher of Russian as a Foreign Language: a Discourse Analysis in Terms of Innovations in University Education