Article name Transcultural Teaching as a Method of Tolerance Formation of Foreign Students Studying the Russian Language
Authors Kuznetsova N.S. graduate student,
Bibliographic description
Section Professional Education
UDK 378.147:233.1
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the problem of transcultural teaching of foreign students. The content analysis of the concept “transculture” reveals its basic components: general features of transculture and the features realized through the worldview of a person who studies the transcultural paradigm. This article determines the aim and the basic principle of transcultural education and specifies some features of transcultural education in the course of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Constructing and using the model of transcultural teaching of Russian as a foreign language contribute to the creation of a tolerant personality that is the main task of transcultural education.
Key words transculture, “foreign” – “own” culture, transcultural teaching, tolerance, Russian as a foreign language, language identity, intercultural communication.
Article information
Full articleTranscultural Teaching as a Method of Tolerance Formation of Foreign Students Studying the Russian Language