Article |
Article name |
Determining Microwave Characteristics of Nanostructured Materials by the Resonator Method with a Partially Filled Cavity |
Authors |
Orlov A.O. , Orlov_A_O@mail.ruLukyanov P.Y. , |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Scientific Research |
537.8 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article presents the formulas for calculating the complex dielectric permeability of
the tested nanostructured material according to the measured parameters of the resonance
with a partially filled cavity resonator. The measurement method is adapted for available in
small quantities chemically active and hygroscopic nanomaterials with large values of tan.
Key words |
cavity resonator, dielectric constant, nanostructured materials |
Article information |
References |
Full article | Determining Microwave Characteristics of Nanostructured Materials by the Resonator Method with a Partially Filled Cavity |