Article name The Formation of Musical Consciousness in Modern Socio-cultural Conditions of the Subject’s Needs and Interests
Authors Kozlov N.I. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 101.1:316
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the issues of forming man’s musical consciousness as a cultural phenomenon in modern socio-cultural conditions. The paper presents the main functions of musical art and analyzes the basic types of listeners’ needs. It summarizes the views of researchers on the specificity of forming listeners’ needs, levels of music perception, and that proves the relevance of this work. Investigating the listeners’ activity, their role in the perception of musical art is impossible without considering their musical needs. The discussion of musical needs is important for focusing on the initial motives and intended result of the listener’s activity, on the issue of educating the audience. The theoretical significance of the article is to generalize and correctly use the studies of philosophers, sociologists, musicologists, psychologists on the issues raised above in the present conditions of society’s development. The practical significance is determined by the possibility to use the basic provisions and findings of this article in the activity of a teacher-musician in the sphere of secondary and higher education, as well as in working out projects of youth policy in the sphere of art education.
Key words education, upbringing, art culture, musical art functions, musical consciousness,intoning consciousness, musical needs, conditions, types of listeners’ needs.
Article information
Full articleThe Formation of Musical Consciousness in Modern Socio-cultural Conditions of the Subject’s Needs and Interests