Article name Religion and Socio-Technological Culture of a Manager: Qualitative and Quantitative Relationship
Authors Dyatchenko L.Y. Doctor of Sociology, professor,
Lebedev S.D. Candidate of Sociology, associate professor,
Sukhorukov V.V. graduate student,
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.35:2-4
Article type
Annotation The paper deals with the potential and general impact of religion on professional management. The authors highlight socio-technological culture of a modern Russian manager and attempt to apply a mathematical approach to the concepts under review. The relevance of the religious specificity of various social processes requires the study of the management factors of their state and development. The authors analyze the potential and general impact of religion on professional management regardless of its functioning sphere, putting the accent on governmental and municipal management. Graph theory applied in this research makes it to some degree mathematical. According to the authors there are other options for modeling (using graph theory as well) depending on the depth of the category analysis. There is asymmetry in the interrelation of religion and socio-technological culture of a manager: the first category systematizes the second one, but weakens its reforming activity. The second category improves the functioning of the first one, but tends to emasculate religion in its proper sense.
Key words social technologies, culture, manager, religion, sociology
Article information
Full articleReligion and Socio-Technological Culture of a Manager: Qualitative and Quantitative Relationship