Article name Education as a Modification and Transformation Factor of the Social Structure and Values in Contemporary Society
Authors Liga , M.B. Doctor of Sociology, Professor,
Shjotkina I.A. Candidate of Sociology, Associate professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.048.2
Article type
Annotation In modern society, human and societal activity depends largely not on economic but on sociocultural factors. Among them are social culture, social security, education, and intellectual capital. Education, becoming a driving force of social development, influences the social structure, formation of postmaterialistic values, cultural norms and man’s inner world. Changes in the social structure take place under the influence of education. One of the changes in the social structure is the emergence of a new type of worker, called “knowledge worker”, “intellectual class” or “meritocracy class” by F. Machlup. This social class has such characteristics as high educational level, creative abilities, high material level, ability to realize creative plans and ideas, desire for self-improvement and self-fulfillment, ability to reproduce, independence in taking social decisions. Man’s inner world is changing, new cultural norms and values are formed.
Key words social structure, quality of life, values, post-materialistic values, education.
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Full articleEducation as a Modification and Transformation Factor of the Social Structure and Values in Contemporary Society