Article name The Concept and Sociocultural Factors of Charismatic Process
Authors Cherepanova L.V. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 316
Article type
Annotation category of “charismatic process” in sociological theory as a special type of social process and identification of its socio-cultural determinants. The study presents a logical scheme of charismatic process that includes the latent and the explicit stages. The latent stage is a social background urging the appearance of a social leader. It consists of two components. The first one is a cultural legitimating of charisma that implies the presence in the culture of a stable, emotionally colored image of a charismatic leader. The second one is a crisis, i.e. the maturing of the need to resolve the acute social crisis. During the crisis the charismatic leader acts as a restoring mechanism and serves as a symbolic social order guarantor. The latent stage turns into the explicit one when there appears such a leader who satisfies the criteria of personal charisma, i.e. personifies a mythological image of a hero who is capable of resolving the crisis. The conceptual framework suggested by the author allows detecting a charismatic process if all of the above-mentioned factors are evident.
Key words charisma, charismatic process, sociocultural determinants of charismatic process, latent and explicit stages of charismatic process.
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Full articleThe Concept and Sociocultural Factors of Charismatic Process